Discover A New Trajectory for Your Future

Imagine a life where exponential growth and success happen in your life and business, every single day. If you are on a mission to live an epic life, you are in the right place. Sacred Strategy takes you on a step by step journey, to align all areas of your life, and unlocking new levels of flow, so you too can bend reality and live a limitless life.


Experience a Quantum Leap in your life and business with Sacred Strategy

Do you want to get crystal clear on your life purpose, business strategy, and break through anything holding you back from creating your dream life? What if you could skip weeks, months, or even years of figuring things out the hard way. Most people set goals based on their understanding of the past. Allow Jonathan to tap into your future, and uncover new opportunities, exact strategies, and unlock massive epiphanies that will open the gateway to a new future.

Here's How it works


In the sessions we will work in a shared google suite where we will meet on a weekly basis to design and develop your vision. Living a peak performance life, includes everything from health and relationships to business. Its all connected. During the sessions we will practice laser focus on any topics you feel compelled to cover, and I will keep us on track to meeting our target goals. Consider me the COO and you the CEO of this new future timeline.

Timeline Design

We will design a new strategy for your future. With 3-12 months on the horizon, the sky is the limit to what we can accomplish together. So lets aim for the moon. Together we will reverse engineer a timeline to achieve your goals including- the actions needed to bring your project/ business/ idea to life in 90 days or less, while making smaller steps toward bigger (long term) dreams. 3 months is a season- and a perfect amount of time to implement a new idea, test it, and scale/ pivot.

Level Up

Our long term leadership program is based on elevating your consciousness and state-of-being so you can embody your elevated leader- and brand yourself in your field as an expert. I have a massive library of audiobooks and personal development programs that I make available to you- so based on your goals we will work through specific books and programs together to elevate your consciousness, skills, and capacity to execute on your vision. 

Resource Library

Based on your life situation I will suggest (aka prescribe) various tools and resources that have helped me (and many others) break through my own trauma, and step into my own level of high performance (similar to a doctor prescribing medication). Together we will design your learning journey and embark on a mission to evolve your consciousness, and become fully embodied in your most authentic, aligned, and activated self. This is the new version of you.

What is a Quantum Leap? 

Most people set goals based on their past beliefs and mental programs. In fact, most people are so caught up in the story of the past, it basically will determine the story of their future. Setting goals based on the past will keep you reliving the past. In one session with Jonathan you will access new ideas and future opportunities that will fill you with inspiration. Suddenly, you will be filled with new energy and motivation to CREATE YOUR FUTURE. Limiting beliefs will fade away when you come into deep alignment with a vision that is alignment with your soul purpose.  Schedule a session and you will experience quantum leaps in your personal growth, your income, and  your business, without the hustle and grind.


Book a Session with Jonathan

Jonathan Fritzler is a metaphysician and business strategist who helps people align their life purpose with an epic strategy for their future. As a clear channel, he is able to access new potentials in the Quantum Field, to help guide his clients confidently toward their goals. He has worked directly with people suffering from terminal illness to design strategies for healing. He is the author of 3 books, written 15+ business plans, launched 7 companies and has mentored over 500 people in his coaching and strategy practice. Discover the exact internal and external shifts that you need to make in order to start experiencing high levels of alignment in every area of life and business to make your life as effortless as possible.


New Future Vision

There are infinite trajectories available for your future, and each future potential, begins right now. Through Sacred Strategy's Intuitive Time-Line Design process, we will design a new vision for your future, based on your goals and dreams. We will reverse engineer a map for your mission to manifest including but not limited to business plans, campaigns, education, evolution, relationship development, strategic partnership, and new ideas that you never imagined possible. Crystal clairity will yeild new energy and drive.

Brand Authority

Explore the intersection of your soul's evolution, your expertise, and passion, with your business. We’ll show you how to take what you're knowledgeable and passionate about and turn it into a vehicle for sharing your voice. We will explore the archetype of your hero's journey, and align it with your career path. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about the intricacies of running an online or offline business today, and growing your brand through various channels. We will help you walk the path of creating your Magnum Opus (life's work) and living your Dharma.

Syncronicity and Flow

When you align your mission and vision with your life purpose - you will start to activate more flow and creativity in your life. Synchronicities will begin to unfold and all the resources you need will become available. Old mental programming fades away as you step into your full power as the Master Creator of your life. By designing a new map for your future, you are activating your Will Power, to begin cultivating a new future. Once the vision is in place, and you are walking in alignment, everything begins to flow. You will be provided with the tools to stay there.

Let's do this..

As a trusted advisor to business leaders, educators, and students, Jonathan Fritzler teaches how to find deeper purpose in work by aligning your passion with your career path, in order to reach significantly higher levels of sustained motivation in life, and business.  He has directly coached over 500 individuals to help them design marketing strategies, business plans, campaigns, non-profits, for-profits, and new initiatives that help them deeply align their life purpose with their career. As a result of working with Jonathan, aspiring entrepreneurs have experienced substantial increases in clarity, productivity, and motivation. Lets work together to begin developing a new future, together.


Sacred Strategy is...

Sacred Strategy is a catalyst for positive personal, professional and societal change. It is our mission to help individuals bring consciousness into their lives at every level — through the mind, body and spirit—and into the world around them—through humanitarianism, ecological awareness, and travel. And so Sacred Strategy is designed to give you powerful, practical tools, techniques, wisdom and inspiration for creating radiant happiness, health and healing… for experiencing abundance, prosperity, freedom, peace and flow in your life… so that you can play your essential part in this shift, and together we can change the world for the better, one heart and mind at a time. We offer a training ground for ordinary people to become extraordinary.  And a framework for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders to experience a quantum leap in their journey to creating their dream.

"It was fucking amazing. He was able to see things in me that I could have never seen on my own. Now that I see it in myself, my eyes are open to my true potential. My mission, my calling, my archetype as a leader all makes sense."

Jonathan Price

"I told him my life story, and he showed me a new future"

Catalina Centi
Executive Director

"If you are looking for your life purpose, Jonathan will help you create it. He really helped me get so much clairity. We were both in tears in the session, in awe and joy of realizing how I can heal myself."

Kachenka Foltova
Founder and International Teacher

"Well I did it!! I did exactly what you told me to do. I just let go of the fear and I started the project. Said Fk it, I can do this. Got a little distracted at first but did pretty good considering it’s a tad challenging for me. Thank you for your support. You make me feel empowered to keep pushing myself to my edge. I feel my confidence building behind the camera with each video. Truly magical. Super rad stuff"

Online Business Owner

"Wow! Just Wow. So many synchronicities in this session. I've been drifting through life aimlessly, up until a chance meeting with Jonathan who helped me create direction for my upcoming travels and starting on the path as an author. I recently quit my job as a real estate agent, and am going on a 6-month “vacation”. After the session, I now call my vacation an “epic journey of self-discovery”, as the context for me writing my book. He helped me gain so much clarity, and he helped me take my power back over my mind. Most importantly he helped me save my relationship and we created a strategy to step up my game with my girlfriend. He gave me exact strategies for things i can do now, to get started on writing my book and launching my new career. Now I have a place to put my energy, and I am on a new path and making my dream happen. I have a plan and I have direction. Very excited to finally realize my full potential in this quantum leap! "

Matthew Habchi
Founder & CEO

Let's Connect

Set up a strategy session with Jonathan today and lets begin designing a new strategy for your future. Email Me: [email protected] Or Send me a WhatsApp Message at +1-503-577-7108

Let's bless your future with a new vision

Reach out. Team Up. Dream Up.

Lets connect

50% Complete

Two Step

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